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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a doula?

A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.

Does a doula replace nursing staff?

As a doula I do not replace the nursing staff nor do I replace your partner. I add to your birth team supporting you and your decisions. I am there for YOU whereas the nursing staff follows the hospitals guidelines.

What is placenta encapsulation?

Placenta Encapsulation is a form of placentophagia, the act of consuming placenta postpartum for various reasons and benefits. The placenta is steamed and dehydrated shortly following the birth, ground into powder, and placed into capsules (resulting in 100-200, depending on the placenta size) for you to consume with ease, no different than swallowing a vitamin or herbal supplement. The whole process will have your capsules ready within 48-72 hours.

What are the benefits of having a tincture made along with my capsules?

I recommend saving some capsules by setting them aside for the return of your menstrual cycle, however, you may find you need to make use of all the capsules in the immediate postpartum term and have none left for the potential hormonal shifts later on, when weaning your child, or when your cycle starts up again. The tincture is a way to preserve the benefits of your placenta and get the maximum use and longevity out of it, as only a small piece of the placenta is used, and the properties are preserved in the alcohol to use more frequently further down the road and can be used for up to five years.

Does everyone experience the same results? Are there any risks or side effects?

Placentophagia never provides a guarantee and cannot be used to prevent nor treat any conditions as the FDA currently have no regulation on the practice. Those who have this service provided for them take the capsules based on their own research and beliefs and understand the potential of the placenta may not be the same for everyone.  

Considering the placenta has been found to contain hormones and nutrients, it is possible it will have an effect on the body, either positive or negative. Each woman may be affected differently. Common experiences are mostly positive, however every body is different and may react in the way of headaches from excess iron, nausea, too much milk supply, or emotions being off balance. Ensure you are drinking lots of water and taking the capsules with food as instructed. Dosage can always be adjusted, and capsules can always be discontinued in the event of undesired effects. The intention of consuming the placenta via capsule form is to support the body during its brief transition from pregnancy hormones to postpartum ones. Not everyone needs their placenta to have a balanced postpartum and feel well, and if you don't need it, your body has an innate way of letting you know.  

I am here to answer any questions you may still have. Please feel free to contact me for more details!



Ontario, CA


(626) 722-7329


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