Hypnobirthing Water Birth

At my 41 week appointment, my midwives explained to me that the results of my ultrasound showed I had low fluid levels. I was instructed to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! At that time I was also given the option to strip my membranes. It was the least invasive method to induce labor. Per the midwifery guidelines, any pregnancy after 42 weeks would need to be referred to a physician. So I agreed to the stripping of the membranes. I hardly felt anything during this process as my cervix was soft and I was already 3cm dilated. After my appointment, I went home to take a bath, pray, and talk to my baby. I explained to him if we didn't go into labor within the next few days, we would have to go to the hospital to be induced and lose the opportunity to have a water birth. I told him that I was ready and to give me the opportunity to show him. The surges began the next morning at 130am.
I was asleep when the surges began. I wasn’t sure if this was the “real thing” so I remained in bed and tried to rest as much as possible. Two hours later my surges continued and I was no longer comfortable lying down. I began timing my surges on a contraction app on my phone at 3:30am when I lost my mucous plug. My birth ball was everything to me! I did not want to wake my partner as I knew I would need his support later in the day, so it was just me and baby for the next few hours. I sat on my birth ball doing hip circles because it was the only position that helped relieve the pressure. Finally, 6am rolls around and I decided to call the midwives and update them on my status. At 8:30am I called back with another update and let them know the surges were getting closer and stronger. We arranged to meet at the birth center at 10:30am.
While at the birth center I used different comfort measures such as my birth ball, I used tennis balls with my doula's assistance, I walked around, sat in the rocking chair, and finally I got in the tub. The water was very relaxing! I learned that each birth is unique. The surges were more intense this time around. I found that a deep moan was necessary for me get through each surge. I needed to keep my eyes closed the entire time in order to concentrate and focus on each surge bringing me closer to my baby. I listened to the music playing in the background which sounded like tribal music with drums. This was perfect! I felt very grounded and connected to nature. This birth felt very instinctual for me. With the support of my mother, mother-in-law, sister, daughter, aunt, cousin, friends, doulas, and midwives, the love just poured into me!
Kyree was born into his father's hands at 1:32pm after only 30 minutes in the tub. Both grandmothers were able to cut the umbilical cord. I had such an amazing birth experience! Thank you to my entire birth team for all of the love and support! I love you all!